会う vs. 出会う vs. 巡り合う: What's the Difference?



駅で昔の友達会った。I met my old friend at the station. (meet by accident)

駅で昔の友達会った。I met my old friend at the station. (I've already made an appointment.)


happen to meet; accidentally meet

友人に出会う。 Meet a friend.

災難に出会う。Meet disaster.


Meet, meet by chance, or encounter something you have been longing for (after a long separation)

「巡り合う」は、長い期間を経て、思いがけずに人や求めていた物と対面する意で、「出あう」よりも使用範囲が狭い。Face-to-face with unexpected people or things you want.

Example Sentences:

あの人と巡り会えたのは、一期一会なのでしょうか。 Our meeting like that is probably the kind of thing that only happens once.

旧友と巡り合う。I met an old friend by chance.


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