
Showing posts from August, 2022

繁盛 vs.繁栄 vs. 栄えるvs. 栄光あれ: What's the Difference?

繁盛(はんじょう) This word is only used for the prosperity of commodity trading. 繁栄(はんえい)=栄える(さかえる) These two words can be used to describe prosperity other than commodity trading. These two words are synonyms. 栄光あれ(えいこうあれ) 「人類に栄光あれ!」 Glory to Human. あれ=あってほしい (I hope glory be accompanying the human beings.) 「ウクライナに栄光あれ!英雄たちに栄光あれ!」Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes! 『香港に栄光あれ』(ホンコンにえいこうあれ、広東語: 願榮光歸香港、英語: Glory to Hong Kong)

弁償 vs. 賠償 vs. 代償 vs. 返済 vs.返金: What's the Difference?

一、弁償 It generally refers to the damage to some items, and you must compensate for it. Note that this means using money to solve the damage. Meaning: reimbursement; compensation; reparation; indemnity For example: 花瓶を割った ので弁償する 。Because I broke the vase, I have to pay for it. It is generally used for small things, which can be wholly solved with money between individuals. 二、賠償 (damage to utensils, infringement, mental pain, etc.) to compensate or restore the damage caused. It is generally used for the compensation of large enterprises or countries, or individuals. The payment may be money, but the compensation object may be damage or other things. Meaning: Reparations; indemnity; compensation Example Sentences: 戦争賠償金。War reparations. 損害賠償。Compensation for damage. 自動車損害賠償責任保険。Automobile damage liability insurance. その男性は損害受けたとして、国に一千万円の賠償を求めた。The man claimed compensation of 10 million yen from the state on the ground that he had suffered damage. It generally refers to the compensation f...

向きvs.向け: What's the Difference?

一、「~向け」 "向け" is a noun derived from transitive verb "向ける", so it has a kind of subjective. It is used for the planning and production of something. The target object has been set from the beginning. It can be translated as " for... ". 例文: これは成人 向け の本。This is a book for adults. 二、「~向き」 "向き" is a noun derived from the intransitive word "向く", so it has a natural feeling and is not controlled by subjective will. It means that the target object was not set deliberately at the beginning , but it was limited to certain object ranges from the result. It can be translated as " suitable... ". 例文: この本は成人 向き だ。This book is suitable for adults.

慣習vs.習慣 : What's the Difference?

習慣: habit. It's a routine thing to do by more individuals, particularly in a way. For example: 私たちはイヌを食べる習慣はないです。 We don't have the habit of eating dogs. 慣習: custom.  It's a cultural thing to do by the community or country. For example: 慣習を破る。 Break custom.

区別・違い・分別・差別:What's the difference?

1. 区別(くべつ) Meaning: Verb: To distinguish (and classify). Noun: The action of distinguishing according to differences. (違いによって分けること) Please look at this: 旅館とホテルにはどんな 区別 がありますか。 What is the difference between a ryokan and a hotel? In fact, according to the goo-dictionary, it does mean "difference" in some cases. But I'm not sure if the goo dictionary is wrong. So if you want to use this, please say "どんな 区別 がありますか."   I'm sure one correct saying is "どんな違いがありますか" from this link of Hi-native answer . Maybe this will help: どんな違いがありますか means to ask a difference between two "objects."  In another way, どんな区別がありますか means to ask conditions to classify between two "categories" or "concepts."  So どんな区別がありますか is used to ask how to classify. It isn't used for specific objects.  For example: 右の図と左の図には、どんな違いがありますか。(どんな区別 can't be used) A級品とB級品にはどんな区別がありますか。 (...

歩くvs.歩む : What's the Difference?

Similarities 歩く(あるく): Group 1 Verb. 歩む(あゆむ): Group 1 Verb. Differences: 歩く: Emphasis on human walking. (Refers to specific.) For example: 歩いて行こう。Let's go on foot. 歩む: Romantic, emphasizing abstract things, such as spending time, etc. For example: 人生を歩む。Walk in life/Walk on the path of life/Live life with a clear sense of direction.

服(ふく)vs.服装(ふくそう) vs.衣装(いしょう): What's the Difference?

"服" is clothes. "服装" refers to the overall collocation of clothes, including hats, tops, bottoms, shoes, etc. (Coordinate item, Total coordinate) "衣装" means the costumes for performing.