
Showing posts from September, 2022

にわかに vs. いきなり: What's the difference?

Both can express sudden meaning, but there are slight differences in usage. にわかに It means sudden, but there is no specific restriction on the process before and after the change or action. It implies that the previous process ends and suddenly turns into another process. For example, when we went out to play on the weekend, the weather was fine and it was almost sunny all day, but it suddenly rained in the evening. The sunny state ended relatively completely and suddenly turned into a rainy state. いきなり It also means sudden, but there are specific constraints on the process before and after the change or action. It implies that the previous process has not ended, or without any warning, it suddenly turns to the following process. For example, we were discussing work, but before the discussion was finished, the boss suddenly became angry; that is, the discussion process was not over, and the boss ended it with an angry process. Here, we use いきなり. In addition, いきなり is used much more f...

と思います vs. と思っています: What's the Difference?

Differences 1.  Subject is different. 日本の物価は高い と思います 。 I think Japanese prices are high. 両親は日本の物価は高い と思っています 。 My parents think Japanese prices are high. 2. The time is different. 思います: 過去× 現在○ (未来○)  思っています: 過去○ 現在○ (未来○)

要求を飲む vs. 要求を受け入れる: What's the Difference?

要求を飲むvs.要求を受け入れる ほとんど同じ意味ですが、少しだけニュアンスの違いがあります。 「要求をのむ」には嫌々ながら、つまり本当は受け入れたくない要求を受け入れるというニュアンスが感じられます。 しかし、ほぼ同じ意味なので日常生活においてはそこまで意味の区別をしなくても大丈夫です。

会う vs. 出会う vs. 巡り合う: What's the Difference?

会う Meet 駅で昔の友達 に 会った。I met my old friend at the station. (meet by accident) 駅で昔の友達 と 会った。I met my old friend at the station. (I've already made an appointment.) 出会う happen to meet;  accidentally meet 友人に出会う。 Meet a friend. 災難に出会う。Meet disaster. 巡り合う Meet, meet by chance, or encounter something you have been longing for (after a long separation) 「巡り合う」は、長い期間を経て、 思いがけずに人や求めていた物と対面する 意で、「出あう」よりも使用範囲が狭い。Face-to-face with unexpected people or things you want. Example Sentences: あの人と巡り会えたのは、一期一会なのでしょうか。 Our meeting like that is probably the kind of thing that only happens once. 旧友と巡り合う。I met an old friend by chance.

励む vs. 励ます: What's the Difference?

Difference: 励ます 他人 励む  自分 励ます(辞書形) 励まします(ます形) 励む(辞書形) 励みます(ます形) Other ways that are easier to distinguish: はげます Cheer him up  はげむ Try hard 励ます to encourage; to cheer; to raise (the voice)  Example sentence 僕が彼を 励まし に行こう。 I will go to encourage him. 失恋した友達を 励ます ために飲み会を開いた。 励む to be zealous; to brace oneself; to endeavor ; to strive ; to make an effort  Example sentence: ほそぼそ とした アクセス や、たまにくるメールなどに 励まされ 、 ズルズル ここまできてしまいました。 Encouraged by the continuing trickle of hits and the rarely arriving email, I've somehow kept going till now. ほそぼそ (adv, adv-to) poor (living)  barely continuing; just scraping along  (adj-f) very narrow アクセス The U.K. the method or the possibility of getting near to a place or person the right or opportunity to use or look at something to be able to get to or get inside a place to be able to use or obtain something such as a service to open a computer file (= a collection of stored information), a website, etc. to look at or change information...

きたすvs.もたらす: What's the Difference?

「もたらす」  いいことにも悪いことにも使えます。It can be used for good things or bad things. 例)  幸運をもたらす。Bring good luck. 繁栄をもたらす。Bring prosperity. 不幸をもたらす。Bring unfortunate.   「きたす」 悪いことにしか使いません。 It can only be used for bad things. 例)  支障をきたす。Creating obstacles.

破綻 vs.破産 vs.倒産: What's the Difference?

破産 は 個人 に対して使い、 倒産 は 会社 に対して使う。 "破産" is used for individually bankrupt, and "倒産" is used for a company. If the owner of a company bankrupted, "その経営者は破産した"(The owner bankrupted). And if the company bankrupt "その会社は倒産した"(the company bankrupted). 破綻 failure は‐たん【破綻】  ① 縫い目などがやぶれること。 やぶれこわれること。 ② 物事がうまくいかなくなること。 経営に 破綻 を生ずる。 This means that the company's operation has shown poor performance, but it is not yet bankrupt. 人格の 破綻 をきたす。Resulting in the breakdown of personality. 「きたす(来す)」とは、特定の結果や状況を招く、引き起こす、もたらす(齎す)といった意味を持つ動詞です。 to cause; to induce; to bring about a result or state; to produce 破局を来す。 変化を来す。 作戦に支障を来す。

思い vs.思い出 vs. 想い vs.想い出: What's the Difference?

思い: Thought. 思い出: Memory. 想い: Thought. (to lovers) 想い出: Memory. (to lovers) 慣用句1: 思いつかない。 Notice that there are no Japanese particles like が or を. Because 思い付く is a word. 思いついた。I have an idea. (By chance. It took little effort.) 思いつけた。=思い付くことができた。I was able to think of it. 慣用句2: 「私は思い付かない。」I can't think of any ideas/anything. 「私は それぐらい しか 思いつか ない 。」I can only think of those things. 「私は それをすぐには 思いつかない。」I can't think of that right away. 「それについて 何も思いつかない 。」I cannot think up of anything about that.

付く vs.付ける: What's the Difference?

付く(つく) Intransitive verb.  「 〇〇が付く。」 This word has no potential form. (Please check  this .) So just like what I said in my  previous blog , it uses negative form to directly indicate that it can't. Meaning: to be attached; to be connected with; to stick; to cling. Example Sentences: スニーカーの底にガムが付いてしまった。The gum was attached to the bottom of the sneaker. その貨物にはろロゴがついている。The goods have a logo affixed to them. 君の顔に何か黒いものが付いていますよ。There's something black on your face. 私のラップトップにはその機能が付いています。My laptop has that function. 付ける(つける) Transitive verb. 「 〇〇を付く。」 This word has potential form. Meaning: to put, to paste, to attach. (離れないようにする) Example sentences: テープでタグを付ける。Attach a tag with tape. 服にボタンを付ける。To sew a button on clothes. 味を付ける。 Add flavor. 車に傷を付ける。 To make a scratch on a car.

思いつかない vs.思いつけない: What's the difference?

結論からというと、 思いつかない! There's no 「思いつけない」. 思いつく "思いつく" explains just one situation like "私はその時良いアイデアをおもいついた." I had a good idea at that time. So this is just a statement of fact . "Have" or "Have not." Meaning: To think of; to hit upon; to come into one's mind; to be struck with an idea. 思いつける 「思いつける」は、「思いつくことができる」 「思いつけない」は、「思いつくことができない」と記述するのが本来は正しい用法です。 You(or someone) can come up with a new idea  彼はあんな斬新なアイデアをおもいつけるなんてすごい!私には思いつけない。 Incredibly, he can think of such a novel idea! I can't think of it. "Can" or "Cannot." それを思いつけるかどうかが、天才と凡人の差だよ。Whether anyone can think of this is the gap between genius and mortals. 悔しいけど、それは思いつけなかったなぁ。Although I'm sorry, I couldn't think of that. Reference: