思い vs.思い出 vs. 想い vs.想い出: What's the Difference?

思い: Thought.

思い出: Memory.

想い: Thought. (to lovers)

想い出: Memory. (to lovers)



Notice that there are no Japanese particles like が or を. Because 思い付く is a word.

思いついた。I have an idea. (By chance. It took little effort.)

思いつけた。=思い付くことができた。I was able to think of it.


「私は思い付かない。」I can't think of any ideas/anything.

「私はそれぐらいしか思いつかない。」I can only think of those things.

「私はそれをすぐには思いつかない。」I can't think of that right away.

「それについて何も思いつかない。」I cannot think up of anything about that.


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