区別・違い・分別・差別:What's the difference?

1. 区別(くべつ)



To distinguish (and classify).


The action of distinguishing according to differences. (違いによって分けること)

Please look at this:



What is the difference between a ryokan and a hotel?

In fact, according to the goo-dictionary, it does mean "difference" in some cases. But I'm not sure if the goo dictionary is wrong. So if you want to use this, please say "どんな区別がありますか." 

I'm sure one correct saying is "どんな違いがありますか" from this link of Hi-native answer.

Maybe this will help:

どんな違いがありますか means to ask a difference between two "objects." 

In another way, どんな区別がありますか means to ask conditions to classify between two "categories" or "concepts." 

So どんな区別がありますか is used to ask how to classify. It isn't used for specific objects. 

For example:

右の図と左の図には、どんな違いがありますか。(どんな区別 can't be used)

A級品とB級品にはどんな区別がありますか。 (どんな違いがありますか is also used if you want to know the different points.)

From: https://zh.hinative.com/questions/22484697

How to use:

区別がつく= to distinguish

区別なく= don't discriminate

区別する=Clear boundaries to distinguish between two things

Example Sentences:

双子の姉と妹の区別つかない。 (Noun)

I cannot tell the difference between the twin sisters. (I cannot distinguish the twin sisters.)

年齢・人種・国の区別なく。 (Noun)

Regardless of age, race, or country.


Clear boundaries to distinguish between Life and Work.

白と黒の区別できない。 (Noun)

I can't distinguish between white and black. (I cannot do the action.)

2. 違い(ちがい)


  1. Just the difference.
  2. Wrong.

Example Sentences:

天と地ほどの違いだ!This is the difference between heaven and earth. (indicates a big difference)

計算違い。Calculation error.

3. 分別(ふんべつ・ぶんべつ)


  • The ability to judge right or wrong. (ふんべつ)
  • The ability to classify. (ぶんべつ)

Example Sentences:

分別がつく。(ふんべつ) Have the ability to think right or wrong.

ごみの分別収集。 (ぶんべつ) Garbage's classification and collection.

4. 差別(さべつ)


Handling with differences. Distinguishing.

How to use:

差別がつく= make a discrimination

差別なく=no discrimination

差別する= to discriminate

Example Sentences:

出身の差別なく。No discrimination on where you are from.

差別をつける。Do discriminate.

差別をなくす。Eliminate discrimination.

人を差別しない。Do not discriminate against others.


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