弁償 vs. 賠償 vs. 代償 vs. 返済 vs.返金: What's the Difference?


It generally refers to the damage to some items, and you must compensate for it.

Note that this means using money to solve the damage.


reimbursement; compensation; reparation; indemnity

For example:

花瓶を割ったので弁償する。Because I broke the vase, I have to pay for it.

It is generally used for small things, which can be wholly solved with money between individuals.


(damage to utensils, infringement, mental pain, etc.) to compensate or restore the damage caused.

It is generally used for the compensation of large enterprises or countries, or individuals.

The payment may be money, but the compensation object may be damage or other things.


Reparations; indemnity; compensation

Example Sentences:

戦争賠償金。War reparations.

損害賠償。Compensation for damage.

自動車損害賠償責任保険。Automobile damage liability insurance.

その男性は損害受けたとして、国に一千万円の賠償を求めた。The man claimed compensation of 10 million yen from the state on the ground that he had suffered damage.

It generally refers to the compensation for disputes between countries or enterprises involving laws or wars.


I understand that it refers to what must be sacrificed to achieve a specific goal.

For example:

勝利の代償に失ったものも大きい。What is lost in the price of victory is also great.


Meaning: Pay off debts.

For example:

三十五年かけて住宅ローンを返済した。It took me 35 years to repay my mortgage.


It simply means to return money.

For example, if you return the goods, the money will be returned to you, and this money is called 返金.


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